You can now pay your termly group fees electronically. You can if you wish, make a single electronic payment covering your group fees, your annual membership fee and optional Third Age Matters mailing charge.
To pay fees electronically, there are two steps:
- Please first tell us what you are going to pay for by completing an online notification form. You can do this by clicking on PAY FEES or by clicking on the ‘Pay Fees’ in the menu on the Members Home page of the cu3a website.
- The online form contains easy to follow instructions. After completing the notification, you will receive an e-mail which gives details of the CU3A bank account and reference to use when making your payment.
- Second, after completing the online notification form, please make your payment to the specific bank account using online banking or by instruction your bank to make payment.
Paying Group Fees in cash
Alternatively, you can pay your group fees in cash to the group leader at the first meeting of the group.
New Members
If you are a New (or relatively new) Member and you have any questions you would like to ask about your U3A membership, there will be someone at the Coffee Mornings who will be able to help you..
Frequently Asked Questions
We have a new page where you can see the most Frequently Asked Questions from members and the answers to those questions. You can access the ‘FAQ‘ page on the bottom of every page of our website.
The Trustees have reviewed and amended the Safeguarding Policy for our u3a. This policy is in line with national guidelines and provides a means of recognising and reporting concerns that members may have about the safety of others. These safety concerns may include such things as neglect, bullying, exploitation and mental frailty. A full description of the policy and how to report concerns can be found in “Documents” on the website.
Have you checked your JUNK/SPAM email folder recently?
Many email providers will delete junk mail after 30 days, so it should be checked at least every 2 or 3 weeks. I personally check mine daily.
If not, you may miss important communications from u3a group leaders, friends, relatives, etc. Messages are sometimes mis-filed as spam for no obvious reason, even though similar messages from the recipients have been received correctly before.
Helping you improve your computer knowledge
Do you have an iPad or laptop, and wish you could do more with it? Do you struggle with sending an email, or are you concerned about the safety of accessing the internet? Are you baffled by the features on your smartphone?
We are living in a world in which more of our day to day services are moving online and it sometimes it can be hard to understand how to access these services. But don’t worry, there is plenty of help available if you want to learn!
There are a number of resources available free of charge which can help. The Resources page of the CU3A website lists several websites which provide information on use of iPads, and keeping safe online. Click Click Here to access the ‘Help with IT’ page.
If you would like more personalised help, then Camberley Library offers one to one digital support on Wednesdays – please ring them on 0300 200 1001 to make an appointment. Also, Farnborough Sixth Form College runs “Pass it on”, a free IT help service from students for senior citizens wanting to improve their IT skills. This takes place on Tuesdays (term time only, from September to May) from 4:15pm – 5.15pm in the Dell at the College. Phone 01252 688200 the day before to reserve a space.
If you would like help with using the CU3A website, perhaps for paying group fees or browsing the Timetable, pop along to a monthly Coffee Morning – we’re planning on having someone there with an iPad and laptop who can help with your questions.
u3a Friends Newsletter, Offers and Discounts
The u3a Friends newsletter contains information about many interesting things going on at the national level. It also has information about a scheme, called U3A Friends Extra, which provides a range of offers, discounts (including at some major retailers and supermarkets) and additional services for anyone who receives the u3a Friends newsletter.
To sign up to receive the U3A Friends newsletter click Click Here. You will then receive an e-mail explaining how you can find out more about U3A Friends Extra and how to join the scheme.
u3a Podcasts
Did you know that there is a monthly u3a podcasts on a variety of very interesting topics? They are quite varied and very professionally put together. To access the latest podcast click here
How to find your way round the website
When you open the email with the link to the newsletter you are automatically redirected (safely) to the Camberley u3a website.
- By using the top menu on the newsletter page you can move around the website without having to re-enter the password.
- If you click on Prospectus you can see the whole prospectus and even which groups run on a Tuesday afternoon!
- By clicking on the Members Home you will go to the Members Home page where you can pay your membership and group fees, read important documents e.g. Privacy /Equality and Diversity, find Trustee contact details, see what National U3A are doing, courses, National eNewsletter etc.
- Links to other pages in the website are underlined, and often in bold, as in the examples above. Clicking on these links will take you to another page in the website. Sometimes that new page will open i a new tab in your browser.
You might find it useful to have a look around and become familiar with where to find information about our organisation.
Riviera Travel Affinity Scheme
If a member of Camberley U3A books a holiday with the holiday company Riviera Travel and tells Riviera Travel when they make the booking that they are a member of Camberley U3A, Camberley U3A will receive a payment from Riviera Travel of 9% of the cost of the holiday. The price that the member pays for the holiday is not affected.
Since January last year, Camberley U3A has received over £750 from Riviera Travel. This money helps us to keep our fees low. So if you are planning to book a holiday with Riviera Travel, please mention that you are a member of Camberley U3A. For more information about the scheme, Click Here
A message from Margaret Mace, your eNews Editor
- Submissions for the next issue should arrive before 25th of the month
- Each article should be no longer than 250 words
- Maximum of 3 photos per article
- Photos to be sent separately as JPG files and not embedded within an article
- The editor reserves the right to accept, reject or edit articles submitted, or to hold them for future use.
E-mail the eNews Editor –
Newsletter Archive
Did you know that you are able to access previous editions? Just
click on the Newsletter Archive under the News menu tab.
Please note that if you are viewing a previous newsletter and you click on any of the links they will take you to the information in the current newsletter. This is because the newsletter is a live document on the website.