Help with IT

Welcome to our Resources Page

Please click on the links below to go to the page containing the information you are interested in.


Click on the topic of your choice below to display information on using Zoom.

The very basics
Simple Explanation of Virtual Groups or Video Chatting
Basic Guide to Getting Started with Zoom (All Users)
Accepting an Email Invitation to join a Zoom Video Chat (All Users)

Basic Guide to Setting up and Hosting a Zoom Meeting (Meeting Host)

Zoom Video Tutorials

Computers, iPads, Tablets & Phones

If you find it difficult to use your iPad or computer and would like some assistance, here are some details of some places and websites where you can get help.

Local groups, help & support

Farnborough Sixth Form College
Run an excellent technical help session for free. Support is offered on Tuesdays (term time only, Sept – May) from 4:15pm – 5.15pm in the Dell at the College. Phone 01252 688200 the day before to reserve a space, where students will help anyone who needs assistance with their phone, laptop or tablet.

Surrey Libraries
Phone 0300 200 1001  or  Surrey CC Digital Buddies for a full list of participating libraries.

Camberley Library Digital Buddy session on Wednesday afternoons. You need to contact them to pre-book a 30-minute session

AGE Concern Guildford
Go to the website for information on where Age Concern Guildford is situated and contact details to enquire about courses.

Useful websites providing online learning suitable for beginners

Click (or tap) on any of the links (in purple) and you will be taken directly to the website. You can look at these in your own time, learn from and continue to use them for reference.

Free online learning covering the basics of email, searching the internet, etc.

How to keep safe when you are online

Free online articles giving advice on technical subjects

APPLE Support for using iPad

The following organisations run occasional face-to-face or online workshops in digital skills, some suitable for more advanced users

Books for iPad and Android tablets
If you have a new device you may need to look for the most recent edition.  Books are available from Amazon, Sainsbury’s, Tesco or can be ordered from local bookshops

iPad for Seniors and Dummies
From Amazon, local booksellers
ISBN 9781119137795

iPad for Seniors In Easy Steps
Tesco, Sainsbury, local bookshops
ISBN 9772050112002
Android Tablets for Seniors
ISBN-10: 1840786493
ISBN-13: 978-1840786491
Android tablets for Dummies
ISBN-10: 1119126029
ISBN-13: 978-1119126027
Help Me – Guide to Android for Seniors
ISBN-10: 1500611182
ISBN-13: 978-1500611187

Other sources of books on iPad/Android use – Lots to choose from

The Helpful Book Company
13B, Devonshire Road Estate, Millom, Cumbria LA18 4JS
Tel:01229 777606
Details in Third Age Matters magazine