November Newsletter
November brings shorter days and poppy sellers. Following my visit to the Poppy Factory in Richmond, I’ll be remembering the inspiring story of how that flower became the icon it is today. This week I was at the New Members afternoon tea and it was good to see so many people who have recently joined our Camberley u3a. I hope that both they and you, are enjoying your activities and meeting new friends.
What’s happening this month?
Coffee Morning – The next coffee morning will be on November 5th.
Click HERE for more details and parking advice.
Monthly Meeting – The next Monthly Meeting will be on November 19th, when Cherrill Sands, a Garden Historian will be speaking on ‘Gardens in Surrey’.
Click HERE for more information.
The Members Talk – This month’s talk is on November 27th. Paul Sloane will give a take entitled ‘Supercharge Your Memory’ – tips and techniques for remembering everyday items and important information. Click HERE for more details.
Travel and Tourism – Have you checked out trips? Click HERE for details of ALL our day trips and short breaks. Please note that our trips sell out very quickly so please contact the trip organizer ASAP to secure your place!
Travelogues – Our next Travelogue is on December 3rd when Murray Rowlands will present ‘The Turquoise Coast of the Turkish Riviera‘. Click HERE for more information.
Film & Media – This months films are on Nov 11th – ‘One Life’ where Anthony Hopkins plays the man who rescued 669 Jewish children from Nazi Germany and Nov. 25th – ‘The Delinquents’ a film by Almodovar and Eric Rohmer. Its a melancholic heist movie about a bank clerk planning the perfect robbery. Please click HERE for more information.
Quiz – Following a very successful sold-out Autumn Term Quiz in October, booking will open for the Spring Term Quiz in January. Dates and details will follow in future newsletters. For more information click HERE
Theatre Group – click HERE for details of shows available.
From the Chair
At the October trustee committee meeting, we discussed final preparations for our AGM which was then held on 15 October. The minutes of the AGM will be published on the website shortly. The only nominations received for committee posts were from current post-holders who had all agreed to be nominated for another year. Following a vote at the AGM, the following members, who are shown in the attached photograph, were elected as Committee members for the next twelve months

Ian Stewart
Vice Chair
Cathy Callow
Rowland Bennett
Business Secretary
Phil Brown
Groups Co-Ordinator
Mark Zymela
Membership Secretary
Nigel Sage
IT Co-Ordinator
Charlotte Stewart
Communications Co-Ordinator
Annette Cox
Other issues discussed at the October committee meeting included:
- how we should vote about proposed governance changes for the Third Age Trust, which is the national body for all u3as. We decided to vote in favour and the proposals have been accepted by a large majority of u3as.
- Concerns about the high percentage (just over 35%) of new members who decide not to renew their membership in the following year. We are looking at ways to get more feedback about reasons for members not renewing.
- Plans for launching the new website and also a new leaflet about Camberley U3A which Annette Cox, our Communications Co-ordinator has been working on. This will replace the existing leaflet which has been used over several years.
- Plans for an evening barn dance in February, which we think is an exciting new initiative. Further details will follow shortly.
Emergencies in u3a groups are few and far between thankfully. However they can come out of the blue and we may have to contact someone on your behalf.
Please could YOU check that you have registered an up-to-date ‘Emergency Contact’ number with your Group leader or the Camberley u3a membership database at
News from your Groups Coordinator
I hope you’re having an active and enjoyable term!
I’ve been approached recently by members who are very keen to engage in specific activities which currently we are unable to offer. These activities include:
- The card game Canasta
- Line Dancing for Beginners
- Walking Football
I’d like to see if we have sufficient interest among members to be able to start new groups for these activities. Please click here to find out more, and also to get an insight into two of our long-running groups – Ambling and Tap Dancing.
You’ll also find details of two items of pre-loved Group equipment that were offering to our members – a sewing machine and a wooden storage box on wheels.
News from the Groups.
Travel and Tourism – short break in the Isle of Man
4.30am is never a good time to start a holiday, but those who were awake were in good spirits. Travel was easy with EasyJet (pun intended) and we arrived in sunshine. Our coach met us and we were taken to Port Erin and the Grove Museum, an untouched Victorian house. We had lunch overlooking the Sound where we saw a seal and a pup but no dolphins! Then to our seafront hotel in Ramsey. The sun shone every day except one and we visited all that island had to offer. The house of Manannan was the most amazing museum experience ever, illustrating the history and development of the Island, plus Peel Castle and the lifeboat station and Manx ice cream on day one. The next day, up the Snaefell railway, shrouded in mist then on to the Great Laxey Wheel, the oldest working water wheel in the world. The following day we had a free day to explore Douglas, returning to the hotel via a horse drawn tram and the electric railway. Then homeward, visiting a village illustrating life as it used to be. We were fortunate to have an amazing coach driver who was so informative about the history, the roads, the TT course, the fairy bridge and much, much more.

Travel and Tourism day trip – the Poppy Factory and Ham House
36 members had a very warm welcome at the Poppy Factory in Richmond. Following coffee and home made cakes, we watched a short film tracing the history of the remembrance day poppy from it inception to the current day. Our very erudite and entertaining guide then explained more about different aspects of the film. We were then able to make our own poppies, using the original die that was created so than veterans were able to make the flowers using only one hand. We saw the various types of wreath made for the Armistice Day ceremony and explore the exhibtion. Following lunch in Richmond, we visited nearby Ham House exploring the house with its ‘Open Cabinets’ exhibition and enjoying the gardens. The weather was so good the we all ended up having sitting outside for a cuppa before returning to Camberley.

The Members Talk
At the October Members Talk Nick Gudde gave a wonderful presentation on ‘The Art of Science’ which looked at how scientists and engineers are portrayed in fiction. Examples included four works of art, a drawing generated using artificial intelligence and a quiz about characters in films and TV drama. Members were asked to think of a single word which described a fictional scientist they were familiar with. Their list showed a wide range of characteristics, both positive and negative, and not simply someone wearing a white-coat!
- Clever, Intelligent, Dedicated, a Saviour
- Misguided, Mad, Evil
- Fearless, Daring, Pioneering
- Quirky, Wacky, Eccentric, Socially-inept, Pompous
- Confident, Extrovert, Glamorous

Our next talk on 27th November is ‘Supercharge Your Memory’ when Paul Sloane will be giving us practical techniques and tips to help remember and recall everyday items and important information such as names, passwords, lists etc.
Our next talk on 27th November is ‘Supercharge Your Memory’ when Paul Sloane will be giving us practical techniques and tips to help remember and recall everyday items and important information such as names, passwords, lists etc.
All the Members Talks are given by Cu3a members and we are currently looking for presenters for the spring and summer terms. So if you have a particular interest that you would like to share with your fellow members at one of our talks please email We can guarantee you a friendly and receptive audience.
Theatre Group
A party of our members went to the Troubadour Theatre, Wembley to see the updated version of Starlight Express. The presentation was spectacular, with space age costumes representing trains and carriages. The young cast were fantastic with the most wonderful voices. The energy and vitality amazed the audience. The whole show took place on a specially designed stage with a “race track” between sections of the audience as the cast were dancing, singing and racing around on roller skates.I do know that it was not everyone’s cup of tea but the talent was much appreciated.
Jenny McKay
Metalwork Group
We are now well into autumn but one last nod to summer was made out of copper sheet and entitled “The Last Swallow of Summer”. (below left)
The entries for the great horseshoe challenge have been judged. It was a hotly contested competition with a cockerel, a frog, 2 tortoises, a horse, 2 boot jacks, a boot rack and a cowboy round a camp fire. After much deliberation by our judge John Hendry the awards went to:
Best in show award – Daphne’s cockerel
Technical award – Ursula’s frog
Most original award – Margaret Thomas’s horse
Simplicity award – Alison’s boot jack
Everyone won a bar of chocolate! (Below centre)
Christmas is now on the horizon and members creative minds have shifted onto Christmas decorations. Lorna is already ahead of the game. She has made her 3 Christmas stars and taken them home to have their lights put on. Daphne is making an angel with the last of the copper sheet that we reclaimed from a hot water cylinder. (below right)[stars]
Kevin spent a weekend on a welding course in Wales which will do much to improve our ability to teach this key metalworking skill
Alan Dixon – Metalwork Group Leader –

You can now pay your Autumn term group fees electronically. You can if you wish, make a single electronic payment covering your group fees, your annual membership fee and optional Third Age Matters mailing charge.
To pay fees electronically, there are two steps:
- Please first tell us what you are going to pay for by completing an online notification form. You can do this by clicking on PAY FEES or by clicking on the green ‘Pay Fees’ button on the Members Home page of the cu3a website.
- The online form contains easy to follow instructions. After completing the notification, you will receive an e-mail which gives details of the CU3A bank account and reference to use when making your payment.
- Second, after completing the online notificaton form, please make your payment to the specific bank account using online banking or by instruction your bank to make payment.
Paying Group Fees in cash
Alternatively, you can pay your group fees in cash to the group leader at the first meeting of the group.
Did you know that we have a Volunteering Vacancies page on our u3a Website? Click HERE to access the page and see the opportunities available to help our organization and one another.
In Remembrance
If you are from the family or are a friend of a cu3a member who has passed away recently and would like us to mention this in our newsletter, could you please contact Maureen Lomas, our Welfare Officer.
If you are a New (or relatively new) Member and you have any questions you would like to ask about your U3A membership, there will be someone at the Coffee Mornings who will be able to help you..
We have a new page where you can see the most frequently asked questions from members and the answers to those questions. You can access the ‘What do you need to Know?‘ page on the Members Only section of our website.
The Trustees have reviewed and amended the Safeguarding Policy for our u3a. This policy is in line with national guidelines and provides a means of recognising and reporting concerns that members may have about the safety of others. These safety concerns may include such things as neglect, bullying, exploitation and mental frailty. A full description of the policy and how to report concerns can be found in “Documents” on the website.

Have you checked your JUNK/SPAM email folder recently?
Many email providers will delete junk mail after 30 days, so it should be checked at least every 2 or 3 weeks. I personally check mine daily.
If not, you may miss important communications from u3a group leaders, friends, relatives, etc. Messages are sometimes mis-filed as spam for no obvious reason, even though similar messages from the recipients have been received correctly before.

Helping you improve your computer knowledge
Do you have an iPad or laptop, and wish you could do more with it? Do you struggle with sending an email, or are you concerned about the safety of accessing the internet? Are you baffled by the features on your smartphone?
We are living in a world in which more of our day to day services are moving online and it sometimes it can be hard to understand how to access these services. But don’t worry, there is plenty of help available if you want to learn!
There are a number of resources available free of charge which can help. The Resources page of the CU3A website lists several websites which provide information on use of iPads, and keeping safe online. Click HERE to access the ‘Help with IT’ page.
If you would like more personalised help, then Camberley Library offers one to one digital support on Wednesdays – please ring them on 0300 200 1001 to make an appointment. Also, Farnborough Sixth Form College runs “Pass it on”, a free IT help service from students for senior citizens wanting to improve their IT skills. This takes place on Tuesdays (term time only, from September to May) from 4:15pm – 5.15pm in the Dell at the College. Phone 01252 688200 the day before to reserve a space.
If you would like help with using the CU3A website, perhaps for paying group fees or browsing the Timetable, pop along to a monthly Coffee Morning – we’re planning on having someone there with an iPad and laptop who can help with your questions.

u3a Friends Newsletter, Offers and Discounts
The u3a Friends newsletter contains information about many interesting things going on at the national level. It also has information about a scheme, called U3A Friends Extra, which provides a range of offers, discounts (including at some major retailers and supermarkets) and additional services for anyone who receives the u3a Friends newsletter.
To sign up to receive the U3A Friends newsletter click HERE. You will then receive an e-mail explaining how you can find out more about U3A Friends Extra and how to join the scheme.

u3a Pod casts
Did you know that there is a monthly u3a podcasts on a variety of very interesting topics? They are quite varied and very professionally put together. To access the latest podcast click here
How to find your way round the website
When you open the email with the link to the newsletter you are automatically redirected (safely) to the Camberley u3a website.
By using the top menu on the newsletter page you can move around the website without having to re-enter the password.
If you click on What We Do you can see the whole prospectus and even which groups run on a Tuesday afternoon!
By clicking on the Members Home you will go to the Members Home page where you can pay your membership and group fees, read important documents e.g. Privacy /Equality and Diversity, find Trustee contact details, see what National U3A are doing, courses, National eNewsletter etc.
You might find it useful to have a look and become familiar with where to find information about our organisation.

I do hope that you enjoy reading this month’s newsletter.
Did you know that you are able to access previous editions?
Go to the MEMBERS HOME page on the cu3a website
and click on the NEWSLETTER ARCHIVE button at the bottom of the page.
Please note that if you are viewing a previous newsletter and you click on any of the links they will take you to the information in the current newsletter. This is because the newsletter is a live document on the website.
Riviera Travel Affinity Scheme
If a member of Camberley U3A books a holiday with the holiday company Riviera Travel and tells Riviera Travel when they make the booking that they are a member of Camberley U3A, Camberley U3A will receive a payment from Riviera Travel of 9% of the cost of the holiday. The price that the member pays for the holiday is not affected.
Since January last year, Camberley U3A has received over £750 from Riviera Travel. This money helps us to keep our fees low. So if you are planning to book a holiday with Riviera Travel, please mention that you are a member of Camberley U3A. For more information about the scheme, click HERE

Message from Margaret Mace, your eNews Editor
Submissions for the next issue should be received before 25th November 2024.
- Each article should be no longer than 250 words.
- Maximum of 3 photos per article.
- Photos to be sent separately as .jpg files and not embedded within an article.
The editor reserves the right to accept, reject or edit articles submitted, or to hold them for future use.