Frequently Asked Questions

Please note that our interest groups are a mixture of face to face, hybrid meetings – face to face/Zoom and Zoom meeting only.

Camberley u3a was formed in the summer of 1998 and celebrated it’s 25th anniversary in 2023

1. Who can join Camberley u3a?

A. Membership is not related to a specific age but a period in one’s life, the ‘Third Age’ after full time employment, (this includes people who may still be working part time). There is no lower age limit for membership.

2. How much does it cost to join?

A. For the year 2024 – 25 the Trustees have agreed that the Membership Fee will be £16 per member. On joining you will have the option to receive the ‘Third Age Matters’ magazine, which is full of news and information from u3a’s around the country, national u3a news, information on courses and lots more.

The magazine costs £3.80 per year and can be paid with your membership fee.

3. Are there any other charges?

A. Yes, each group has a term fee to cover the cost of venue hire, etc. This information can be found on the What We Do page – Prospectus.

4. How do I join?

A. Use the Become a Member tab in the main menu. You can either join online or request a paper Application Form. You will need to be a member before you can join a group or put your name on a waiting list.  If you are already a member of another u3a you will need to join Camberley u3a before you can join a group.

5. How do I find out if a group I am interested in has vacancies?

A. Use the Contact Us tab in the main menu to request information regarding vacancies in the group(s) you are interested in. Alternatively use the What We Do page link – Prospectus.

Our Coffee Mornings, Monthly Speaker meetings,Travelogues and ‘The Members Talk’ are open to all members.

6. Can I attend a group before deciding to join Camberley u3a?

A. Yes, you can attend a group you are interested in for a taster session. Please use our Contact Us tab with your request and we will arrange for you to attend a meeting of your choice. Please remember that if there is a waiting list for the group you may have to wait to formally join that group.

7. How many groups can I join?

A. As many as you like, although you might want to leave some time for chores!!

8. If I join how do I find out what is happening or where to find information on groups/events?

A. When you join you will receive a New Members Leaflet which contains full information on Camberley u3a. Included will be your Membership Card and the login/password details for the Members Only section, where you will find all the current information on groups, timetable, regular events such as coffee mornings, monthly meetings, quiz and much more.

9. What do I do if the answer to my question is not here?

A. Use the Contact Us tab to go to the enquiry form, fill in the form with your details and question, press SUBMIT. One of the team will get back to you with an answer, or for further information/discussion.

10. How is Camberley u3a managed?

A. The overall management is the responsibility of an elected Trustee Board, supported by management support teams. The activities of Camberley u3a are carried out by individual interest groups.

We hope that we have covered all the questions you have.