About us

Active     Vibrant    Making a Difference

 The U3A is a group of people who want to share knowledge and experience and to take part in joint activities. It is for people who are no longer in full time employment. Our aim is to provide opportunities for members to share skills in a welcoming and sociable atmosphere. Making new friends is an added bonus!

It’s important to stress that the U3A has no paid staff. It’s entirely run by people prepared to give their time and energy to the organisation. They may run group activities, they may help with committee work – booking venues, recording membership details, managing the finances – or they may help with refreshments at our numerous gatherings. Without such volunteers, the U3A would not exist. So, though there is no requirement for members to do more than attend group activities or our monthly meetings, there is a gentle pressure on them to ‘give’ as well as ‘take’ if they can.

At the moment we have almost 1800 members and usually have about 100 group activities ranging from archaeology to yoga. To take part, members pay a modest annual subscription of £16 per year – with a smaller Term Fee for each group you join. We have three terms each year, starting on August 1st. 

If you join you will have the opportunity to subscribe to the Third Age Matters (TAM) magazine, which contains information about the National u3a movement and activities and news from other u3a’s in the country.

The magazine costs £3.80 per year and can be paid with your membership fee.

Prospective members please read our FAQ page and if you still have a question use the ‘Contact Us’ tab on the main blue menu to send us a message.

You can join online, use the ‘Become a Member’ tab on the top blue menu and follow the instructions. If you do not want to use the online joining facility then use the same tab and choose the ‘Postal Membership’ link. Please note that it is not possible to join a group or go on a waiting list until you are a full member.

If you are a visitor to our site and wish to read our operating policies please use the following links.

Privacy Notice.

Safeguarding Policy.

Equality & Diversity Policy.


There is something for everyone who joins Camberley U3A.